We are involved in various teaching activities in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. We also organise frequent seminars as well as host external collaborators to discuss and develop new research ideas. Group members also partake in scientific outreach activities that include school visits, public lectures and news articles.
We advertise our Master's projects on SiROP.
Astronomy on Tap (AoT)
25 September 2024: Astronomy on Tap is a global outreach programme bringing astronomy to the public through fun, informal events. Maggie Thompson and Urja Zaveri co-founded Astronomy on Tap Zurich (funded by ETH Zurich | Space), hosting engaging talks and activities to foster curiosity about the universe.
ETH Global Lecture: Life on Earth and Beyond
26 April 2024: Our group's laser levitation furnace lab was featured in the ETH Global Lecture: Life on Earth and Beyond.
Naturforschende Gesellschaft Basel / Astronomischer Verein
07 March 2024: Ein Rezept für die Planeten (P. Sossi)
Pint of Science
22 May 2023: A recipe for the planets (P. Sossi)
D-ERDW doctoral retreat
13 May 2023: Open panel discussion on Space Science (D. Queloz, P. Sossi, M. Riebe, A. Vorburger)
TecDay Heerbrugg (school visit)
9 May 2023: Viel Dampf um heisse Planeten (S. Krummenacher, N. Jäggi, P. Sossi)
Interview on
2 September 2022: external page A caccia delle origini della vita sulla Terra (D. Queloz, P. Sossi)
NZZ am Sonntag
16 July 2022: external page Wie die Erde entstand (P. Sossi)