In addition to the analytical and experimental facilities at the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, our group also houses an array of bespoke equipment.
The Experimental Planetology group hosts a vacuum induction furnace, an FTIR spectrometer, and a state-of-the-art laser-heated aerodynamic levitation furnace. The laser levitation furnace is particularly remarkable for its unique design, which allows for the synthesis of miniature planetary bodies under controlled atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, it is equipped to perform in-situ spectroscopic measurements in the infrared with a view to constraining the properties of gas phases relevant to planetary processes.
Laser-heated levitation furnace
Do you want to make your own miniature planet in the lab? Our group laboratory will be equipped with a laser-heated aerodynamic levitation furnace. Heating is achieved by a 10.6 μm 120 W CO2 laser (Coherent) and samples can be synthesised under controlled atmospheres through mixing of 7 gases (Ar, CO2, H2, O2, N2, SO2, Cl2). The flow rates of each are metered by Bronkhorst Flexi-FLOW mass flow controllers (2000 sccm full scale). Temperatures in excess of 2500 °C are expected to be achieved.
Vacuum induction furnace
This custom-built Cu induction furnace (Linn HTG 1500 0,5) is designed to be operated under vacuum (up to 10-1 mbar) and reaches nearly 2000 °C through coupling with an Ir heater. Temperature is measured by Type B thermocouple and optical pyrometer. It also comes equipped with a Cu cold finger for collecting condensable material.
Fourier-transform infraRed (FTIR) spectrometer
Making use of an UltraScanTM Michelson interferometer and operating under vacuum, the Vertex 80v to be hosted at the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology is able to perform scans at 110 spectra/s (at 16 cm-1 resolution) and has a resolution up to 0.06 cm-1. It will be fitted with both internal and external MCT detectors and an automatic beamsplitter exchanger in order to access the wavelengths from ~0.6 μm to 30 μm, to be operated largely in transmission.
Experimental and analytical facilities at the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology
Our group also has access to the facilities of the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology.